Why is this podcast different from all other Jewish history podcasts?
Because it’s not a Jewish history podcast, it’s – The Jewish Story – podcast.

Hi, I’m Rav Mike Feuer and if you want to understand the Jewish Story then you need to know that there is no word for history in the Torah, or in the Hebrew language at all. We are a people focused on telling the story of our past, but our frame isn’t history – it’s memory. This podcast is more than a string of facts and dates, it is the story of the Jewish people told from inside and out. It is Jewish history from the perspective of Jewish memory. I promise you to pour my soul into telling a story which combines the rigor of historical analysis with a heartfelt attachment to the Jewish narrative, but you need to know one more thing – this is not just about remembering the past, it is narrative therapy for a nation. This podcast tells a story of the past that aims to build a present identity which is inspired to build the future of which we dream.
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Rav Mike Feuer holds a MA from Brandeis University and was ordained by Bet Midrash Sulam Yaakov. He currently lives in Ma’ale Adumim with his wife and five children. His life mission is breaking down walls to build up consciousness. Rav Mike has pioneered a new approach to Jewish history through his podcast ‘The Jewish Story’, is the co-author of the biblical fiction series The Age of Prophecy, and is a faculty member of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies.