Jerusalem Day

TJS S5 Interlude – Jerusalem Day with Rav Aaron Leibowitz

Jerusalem Day (Yom Yerushalayim) is a time when past and present come sharply together, and have the potential to define our future. Social activist and former Jerusalem city council member Rabbi Aaron Leibowitz joins me to discuss the potential of the holy city and this momentous day.

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TJS S4 Interlude Yom Yerushalayim (live)

Here is a LIVE Yom Yerushalayim class given in honor of the 10th yartzheit of Fruma Raizel bat Genendel and Nehemia haKohen. It explores the relationship between Yom Ha’atzmaut and Yom Yerushalayim, between self-actualization and inspiration, in order to provide insight and inspiration for these holy days.

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TJS S3 Interlude Jerusalem Day 5779

Every once in a while you have to get out of the house, and even out of the box. Where better to do that than Jerusalem, and who is a better partner than Yehudah Hakohen. Here is a free-flowing conversation on Jerusalem, redemption and the process in which we find ourselves day. In honor of…

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