Jewish History

TJS S3E25 Shifting identities in early Israel

The present is always built on the ruins of the past, the only real question is – how do we integrate this reality into our identity? This episode looks at the begins of a shift in Israeli identity in the early 60s, together with the emergence of a new national consciousness among the Arabs in…

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TJS S3 Interlude Purim – Own your story

The Jewish Story is narrative therapy for a nation, but how can it also serve each of us in our quest to be actors in our lives instead of objects? Listen in to this great Purim Torah, an exploration of what the conversation between Mordecai and Esther can teach us about owning our own story.

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TJS S3E24 Levi Eshkol – a new face of leadership

Old politicians never die, they just fade away. The era of Ben Gurion ended in 1963 and it appeared that his replacement, Levi Eshkol, could not live up to his legacy. This episode introduces a new mode of leadership for the State of Israel, and is the first step on the road to telling the…

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TJS S3 Interlude: some more questions

Why stop once with a good thing? Here is another interlude answering listener questions on Israel as a Jewish State. Hold out to the end hear what Rav Mike thinks about ‘Free Palestine’ t-shirts.

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TJS S3 Interlude – Redemption Rant

Sometimes you just have to let loose, so here is a rant in response to some listener questions. It touches on the Trump Plan, the current political crisis and even sea level. Most of all this is about the tension between revolution and redemption.

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TJS S3E23 Spirit of the Sixties part IV: The radical break

For a few brief weeks, it looked like 1968 would be a revolution in America on par with 1967 in Israel. This episode explores the role of radical Jews in trying to push America toward the birth of a new society.

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TJS S3E22 Spirit of the 60s part III: the revolution starts tonight

At the Sixties progressed they became more intense. In particular, the tone of the civil rights movement shifted from integration to separation and from evolution to revolution. This episode will explore the impact of these shifts on the ‘grand alliance’ between Jews and African Americans. shedding light on both past and present.

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TJS S3E21 The spirit of the 60s part II

1964 was the Freedom Summer in America, and it saw a wave of white, Jewish volunteers leaving the comfort of their suburban existence to fight the battle against racism in the rural south. This episode explores the suburban cultural vacuum which many of them were fleeing and asks whether they went South as Jews, human…

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TJS S3 Interlude Hannukah – releasing the light within

Here is a live interlude from Rav Mike – his annual class in memory of his father, Charles Feuer ob’m. It is an exploration of the Hannukah light as it has been gradually released through the challenges of history, theology and personal experience.

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TJS S3 E20 The Spirit of the 60’s part I: pragmatism and prophecy

The 1960s were a revolutionary period in American history, and since the Jews were so deeply involved it is a turning point in the Jewish Story as well. This episode begins our slow march toward 1967 with a look at how the twin spirits of prophecy and pragmatism moved Jewish leadership during the Civil Rights…

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