Episode Archives

TJS S3 Interlude Jerusalem Day 5779

Every once in a while you have to get out of the house, and even out of the box. Where better to do that than Jerusalem, and who is a better partner than Yehudah Hakohen. Here is a free-flowing conversation on Jerusalem, redemption and the process in which we find ourselves day. In honor of…

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TJS S3E6 The limits of retaliation

Every value has a boundary and every state a border, which means that often we have to fight to maintain them. Here is the story of Israel’s struggle against infiltration in the 1950’s and the moral complexity of retaliatory raids. Not an episode for the faint of heart.

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TJS S3E5 1949 Boundary issues – part I

In 1949 Israel was in the dangerous position of winning the battle and losing the war. Though ceasefire agreements were in place, peace remained elusive. This episode opens an examination of the questions of international legitimacy, national cohesion and border conflicts which characterize the state even today.

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TJS S3 Interlude Independence 5779 Independence or self-actualization?

There is no word for independence in Biblical Hebrew, and the roots of the modern word can teach us much. This might right be called the day when we celebrate ‘self-actualization,’ but that leaves poses the question – how do we actually become a great nation in our land?

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TJS S3 Passover Interlude: The Exodus, a story beyond belief

The commandment around which seder night revolves is the telling of the story of the Exodus. Many people today struggle with questions of historicity, meaning – did this really happen? Here is an episode on why the real questions of the Exodus lie in the future and not the past, along with some insights on…

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TJS S3E4 Sink or Swim – mass immigration and the in-gathering part II

There are times in the history of peoples and nations when the decisions made shape the future. The three years after Israel’s foundation saw its population double through immigration, the way in which the immigrants were received set the mode for many years to come.

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TJS S3E3 Mass Immigration and Ingathering the Exiles – part I

In the first two years after Israel’s independence, the Jewish population doubled. Such massive immigration put almost fatal stress on the resources and social fabric of the young state. Before we can discuss the practical implications we need to consider the meaning of kibutz galuyot – the ingathering of the exiles. Help me make history…

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TJS S3 Purim 5779: The Oldest Hatred, a practical analysis

Hatred of the Jews is the oldest and most pervasive form of prejudice which humanity knows. In this episode Rav Mike uses the comments of Haman to ask not only why we are hated, but also what we can do about it. Help me make history by becoming a supporter at www.patreon.com/mfeuer Illustration attribution www.maxpixel.net/Aggression-Viole…ss-Attack-656795

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TJS3 Interlude What is a Jew?

It is time to move away from the divisive question of who is a Jew to ask something more essential – what is a Jew? The first half of this episode offers Rav Mike’s thoughts on the subject. The second half is a conversation on the same with R’ Aaron Leibowitz, social activist and head…

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TJS S3E2 The Evolution of American Zionism part II: Two conflicts which shaped American Zionism

Part I presented America as an environment of formation for American Zionism, part two adds the other element of evolution – competition. The struggles between American Zionists and first the European Zionist leadership and then the heads of the new State of Israel still define our political landscape today. Help me make history by supporting…

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